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Latest revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2025

Quest: Light in the Darkness

Description: As Candaith returned from his journey in the lands to the east, he saw flashes atop Weathertop of white light, akin to lightning, though there was no storm.

Category: Lone-lands

Quest Level: 20

Hdg bestower.gif

'As I was returning from the lands to the east, the night sky over Weathertop was lit by bright flashes of white light, akin to lightning, yet no clouds darkened the sky and of thunder there was no sound.

'I think that no ordinary storm visited Amon Sûl that night. I ask you to search the ruins atop Weathertop and see if there is anything to find, my friend.

'If you find anything out of the ordinary, return to me immediately. I would know the explanation for this puzzle.'