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Latest revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2025

Quest: Fluffing the Pillows

Description: Arinora's duties became even greater when the Munces arrived at the Forsaken Inn. Anlaf is an unforgiving innkeep, according to Arinora, and she needs help to keep up with everything.

Category: Lone-lands

Quest Level: 18

Hdg bestower.gif

'Ever since the Munces showed up, I've had no rest! Normally, we see no guests for months on end, but the glut of guests here has me stretched to my limit!

'Anlaf is under great strain and takes his worries out on me, driving harder to see that the chambers are cared for, the workers watched, and the guests fed. Well, I'm just not able to do it all! You've been a great help so far, and I see no reason why you shouldn't continue being so!

'One thing that still needs to be done is the replacing of the pillows. All the stuffing's gone missing with the use they are getting, and I need to get the fluff back into them. We don't have the luxury of ducks, but the crebain circling about in the north might do in a pinch. There are plenty of the troublesome thorn-talon and sharp-eye crebain lurking about. Bring me some of their feathers and I'll pay you for your trouble. The birds circle often over the summit of Weathertop.'