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Latest revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2025

Quest: The Tincture

Description: Braigiar is disturbed by the news you brought him of the wights which wandered near the monuments.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 48

Hdg bestower.gif

'The behaviour of the creatures which you found near those monuments interests me. It seems that they found those places worthy of defence.

'I believe I will send you back to the monuments to deal those wights a second death, but first I will send you on another task. To the north and east of the troll-infested Maethad arena which lies some distance to the east, grows the poisonous herb, nightshade. This plant is a simple which has virtue to ward against the terrible wights when steeped in a certain rare liquor I have obtained.

'Please gather nightshade-plants and bring them to me, and I will prepare a tincture for you to sprinkle on the monuments you found. I wonder what will happen when these wights are warded from the shrines they seek to protect?'